Little Big Show
This fountain has it all. That's why we call it "A Fireworks Display in a Fountain." Watch as shell-like bursts spread across the stage. This performance is a hard act to follow. Click here to watch Little Big Show Size: 6-3/4" x 4-1/4" x 4-3/4" (each side: 2-3/8") Case: 32/1 Avg Duration: 95 Seconds Effects: 1. White Flowers with Red & Green Sparks to Crackling Flowers with Red & Green Sparks 2. Yellow Flowers with Orange & Green Sparks to Lazer with Orange & Green Sparks 3. Snow Pine with Red & Green Sparks to new Gold Sparkling Chrysanthemum with Red & Green Sparks 4. Crackling Chrysanthemum 5. Chrysanthemum Crackle with Lemon Sparks 6. Green Titanium Rain